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Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 19/10 – tema: ROCK N’ ROLL 150 150 Monument 031

Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 19/10 – tema: ROCK N’ ROLL

Nu har blixten slått ner igen och Kiffes ego måste komma ner på jorden. Ni har (enligt Kiffe) bönat och bett om ett till quiz, så efter en hel del tjat och självklappande på axeln så kan vi ”stolt” presentera:

ROCK N’ ROLL-QUIZET! Lördag 19/10

Yes, ni läste rätt! 30 spännande frågor som handlar om allt som har med Rock n’ Roll att göra.
Hur gammal är Mick Jagger? Hur många strängar har Kirk Hammet på sin gitarr? Vem vet?! Bara Kiffe!
(Han kanske tar med en lekledare som ser till att allt sköts snyggt på scen)
Så på med jeansjackan, drick en fulöl så syns vi på Ringön!
1:a pris: Biljetter för hela laget till Strindbergs + Hymans
2:a pris: 250 kr i baren
3:e pris: En LITEN påse cheeseballs!
Dörrar 17:00
Quizet startar 19:30
Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 16/8 – tema: Musikindustrin 150 150 Monument 031

Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 16/8 – tema: Musikindustrin

This has gone too far and the ego on Kiffe has transcended to occult levels of insanity – as this next quiz ahead of us is surely proof of. Seriously, the man has taken over the main stage this time.

The theme of this monumentalt quiz will be the music industry and records labels therein! The evening kinda doubles as a sort pre-party to next week’s BlackValley Festival, at least if you think forcing them to give us tickets as prices is a pre-party?

Who knows how this will go? Kiffe is sure it will be great (like all of his other ideas). If we’re lucky, another industry mogul will join him on stage to ask some questions. Those who have yet to go blind from the event-pic could actually make out who it is. Who is the Taylor to Kiffes Scooter… only the golden shorts knows.

Anyways, enough jibberish:


Get your teams together and we’ll see you at the big stage!

Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 19/7 – tema: indie 150 150 Monument 031

Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz 19/7 – tema: indie

Hello! The last time Kiffe was a quizmaster, it was a total blow out! So after the quiz, he was standing on the shoreline, soaking in all the success (one could claim that the bartenders had to join the quiz for the guests to have anyone to compete against OR… one could say it was so good, they couldn’t stay away?) and thought to himself: ”Fan, vi kör ett indiequiz nästa gång”.
This time we’ve got more questions, more awkward pauses, more hawaii-shirts and naturally, more playlists! It’s actually just one, but the songs are kinda worse, in that good way.
So grab that totebag, gather your friends and drink a bottle of Kir (at home or outside, duh) and get your popluggar to Monument for an exciting evening of deadpan humour, far fetched questions and massive amounts of cocktails!
Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz: 90-talet 5/7 150 150 Monument 031

Kiffes Halvdåliga Musikquiz: 90-talet 5/7

Well hello there! Last time Kiffe did a quiz, there was no shortage of success in the room DESPITE it being an emo-quiz with the worst utslagsfråga ever. But this time, he thought he’d challenge himself by making a quiz dedicated to the best years of our lives; the 90’s!

Carl lost his mind photoshopping Kiffes face onto the boys from the backstreets and will never be able to look him in the eyes again.

But anyways, yes, there will be a playlist with ALL of the good shit that some of your parents concieved you too. So, gather your team, strap in, get yourself a cocktail and get ready for the best damn night of your life!

Doors open at 17:00.
Quiz starts at 19:00 SHARP! Oh and it’s in Swedish, but we still insist on writing everything in english because we feel fancy and intärnatjonål.

EMO QUIZ FRIDAY 3/5 :( 150 150 Monument 031



We had a show cancelled really late for Friday 3/5, and that happens sometimes, no worries – but it’s always weird trying to come up with something to replace it with on short notice. Do you do something similar, or do you go the opposite route?

Well, the answer is you choose the one thing you all swore to never do. And you force the two people you know with a dark, Lejontrappan-drenched past to host it against their wills. Yes, you do a goddamned EMO QUIZ instead!

We’re open an usual with After Work from 17:00 but come 19:00, everyone turns sad, emotional and angry as Jon’s custom quiz is presented by the very, VERY uncomfortable Kiffe; just the way a true emo-host should feel!

Come alone or bring a team; you can secure a table by sending a mail to (drop-in’s are fine, no worries) and let’s have a really sad evening together!